SS25 Uganda

Countries without visible traffic rules are beautiful countries. Uganda is one such place. It is still wonderfully old-fashioned, a countrywhere you pull the curtains off the wall when you close them. Magnificent. You can also enjoy a safari in Uganda on a bike: just bring along a guide with an AK47 on his back and you can take on the whole world. When it comes to taking a photo by the edge of a pond with three hippos in it, our Ugandan guide thinks it’s fine - not necessarily because it’s safe, but mainly just because he thinks it’s fine. Africa is magnificent!

Campaign shoot

De Okker 01.01

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De Zager 05.23

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De Zager 05.21

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De Krepper 01.03

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De Treener 01.10

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De Treener 01.10

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Noppi 37.01

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De Lexer 01.18

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De Zaler 01.00

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De Zaler 01.02

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